
My Apartment

As you all know I moved down to Savannah, GA the first week of September. Since then a lot has happened: I got a really great apartment, which I have managed to furnish and "landscape", I landed a really great job at Hilb Rogal and Hobbs Insurance Agency (HRH), they are the 8th largest agency in the country, 10th in the world w/offices in London and rumor has it Russia even! HRH sent me off to insurance classes and I have officially become a licensed Agent, throw in sitting on the beach in October in my bathing suit, getting more dressed up than I have in ten years (pics to come) it's been quite a surreal past three months. I got very home sick when the Sox were in the ALC's and World Series, but otherwise my missing home has been tolerable. When people ask I always say "I miss home, but I like it here" and that sentiment just about sums it up. Below are pictures of my apartment. It looks pretty good I do need some things on the walls to make it feel a little more cozy, but all in all I'm elated with getting to live in this great apartment. Finally, to toot my own horn, all of the furniture in these pictures I put together myself and brought up to the second floor myself - Kate and I even managed to get one of the couches up on our own...and a couple of polish guys got the other one!

In regards to the quality of the photos who ever developed them at Rite Aid is an idiot - not only did they mange to get little flecks on the film, they developed them in reverse. For anyone who has seen my place things may look a little "backwards" for those of you who have not it should be fine.

I got the couches at a store called World Market. What is so great about them (other than that I can fit two of them in my living room) is that they have a 50/50 split. The backs can be lowered up and down to different angles, the seats have legs zippered into them, you pull them out, the seats fold out and you have a full sized bed. A little bit of detective work on Kate's part revealed that yes, I have made myself a second bed in the living rom...I have to admit on weekends it's not a bad deal unfolding one of these, curling up to watch a movie and never actually going to bed! The mantle is covered with seashells, beach rocks and one spotted crab. The seashells were all found by myself or my parents and the rocks are from various beaches that I have been to in Niece France, Marblehead and Rhode Island. The photograph on the wall is from Ann and I love it. I've also found a great new way to use Japanese Paper Lanterns, perch them on top of bookcases rather then hanging them from the ceiling. With 14' ceilings hanging things gets a little tricky.

This is the Kitchen:

This is the Bathroom:

The Bedroom:


Anonymous said...

I just want to make sure that everyone knows that this place isnt "staged" to be clean it is always in this state of OCD type martha stewarts house. only way better in person

Kate Wells said...

for reals yo.